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Work smarter, not harder: 10 tips for success

Working smarter, not harder, means finding ways to use your energy and time at work more efficiently, which can help you complete tasks more quickly. To do this, you can use various strategies to help you prioritize your work, helping you identify the most important tasks.

Here are 10 tips you can employ today to help you build a happier and more productive professional life.

1) Plan ahead

By planning ahead, you can jump right into the most pressing projects rather than spending valuable time trying to prioritize everything the day of. Planning ahead for your next day (or week) can be a great thing to do at the end of the day when you’ve accomplished all tasks for that day but are still in work mode.

2) Minimize your to-do list

We all can only do so much in one day. If your to-do list is miles long, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. We suggest keeping a to-do list short, concise, and realistic. Achieving small goals not only moves you forward, but can also help improve your sense of accomplishment.

3) Focus on one task at a time

Switching from one task to another without completing the first can be inefficient because your brain may need time to change its focus. You can avoid this by focusing all of your attention on one task until it's complete or you reach a natural stopping point in it. You also may be able to schedule your regular breaks around your tasks to help your brain refresh before starting the next one.

4) Set short deadlines

If you set short deadlines for yourself or your team, you will likely feel more accomplished. Short deadlines also help folks stay focused on the task at hand. If you have a deadline that is weeks or even months away, you’ll likely forget some key aspects of the project and even lose momentum and excitement.

5) Make a routine and stick to it

Getting into a good groove of working each day is easier if your day starts smoothly. If your morning routine begins with making your bed and washing your face, you're still preparing for a day of smart working.

Create a list of things you want to get done the next day each night, and organize it by morning, afternoon, and evening. On average, it takes 60 days to build a habit.

6) Use productivity tools

Many programs or applications can help you automate tasks and better track your work productivity, which can help you be more efficient in multiple ways. First, you can get the benefit of increased productivity, helping you complete tasks more efficiently. Second, letting a program track this data for you saves you time from doing it yourself, which can allow you to focus on more priority items.

7) Enhance your communication skills

Make strengthening your communication and collaboration skills a priority. You can start by working on your active listening skills and staying on topic when you're communicating with someone. For example, when you're writing an email to a coworker, try to keep the email short with a straightforward message.

8) Turn off notifications

You don't need to have your Facebook or Twitter notifications coming in while you're trying to work. It only takes your focus away from the important tasks at hand and wastes time. And if you’re waiting for a response to a message, you might have more difficulty concentrating.

Turning off notifications to apps that aren't work-related increases your productivity. Most smartphones have Do Not Disturb functions that limit notifications and keeps you off social media or unproductive apps during selected hours.

9) Manage your time wisely

Time management skills are vital when trying to work smarter. When you combine this tip with our first tip on planning ahead, you can schedule your day to help support productivity and efficiency without feeling stressed.

And remember, managing time also includes making time for rest. You can’t work hard without rest — you’re not a robot. Relaxation is vital to ensuring long-term productivity, so encourage your team to take breaks and offer advice if they struggle to manage their time effectively,

10) Learn How to say "NO"

Are you a people pleaser? Do you love to help people every time they ask for it? Sometimes when you always say yes to others, you put your own needs second.

Learning how to say "no" or even "not right now" will help you prioritize your energy and focus. If you have a tight deadline, you must put your work before supporting others. This isn't to say you should never help your coworkers, but recognize when your work takes priority.



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