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10 Things you should keep private

10 Things you should keep private and never share or discuss with your co-workers "It's a social environment as well as a work environment. However, you must remember while you can be friendly and develop a good rapport, business is business and friendship is friendship. "Most workers don't realize that what they say has as much impact on their professional images as what they wear. Here are some very important 10 things you must learn to keep private if you want to succeed in your career and private life.

1. Political & Religious Views:

People have strong, passionate views on both topics. You may alienate a co-worker or be viewed negatively in a way that could impact your career.

2. Relationship Details:

Whether you’re head over heels in love or had a massive blowout disagreement with your significant other, we all have problems, no relationship is without the occasional argument or challenge, however when you share with others what is likely just venting in the moment, you violate the trust between yourself and your partner. Don't share intimate details about your personal life. Co-workers may use the information against you.

3. Medical Conditions:

Health issues can be sensitive and personal, and sharing too much information about them can lead to discrimination or even unwanted attention. It’s best to keep your health issues private and only share what’s necessary with your healthcare providers. Nobody really cares about your aches and pains, your latest operation, your infertility woes or the contents of your medicine cabinet. To your employer, your constant medical issues make you seem like an expensive, high-risk employee.

4. Your fears and weaknesses:

Talking about our fears and weaknesses takes us to a very vulnerable place, and it’s a side of us we shouldn’t show to just anyone. Some people can be incredibly two-faced and might just make fun of you for it behind your back, while others might try to manipulate and exploit you when given the chance. So before you tell anyone your worries or past mistakes, you need to be absolutely sure that they can be trusted.

5. Next Move:

It’s wise to stay tight-lipped about future plans. You don’t want others to knowingly sabotage your goals. They can’t sabotage what they don’t know about. Also, if it is a really important goal you should hold it dearly and be able to easily block out other people’s criticisms and opinions. If they do not know exactly what you are up to and why you are helping yourself by not giving them anything to criticize. You will easily be able to work hard in silence and achieve what you are after because no one will have an opportunity to convince you that your goal isn’t worthwhile.

6. Legal trouble:

Talking about legal troubles can hurt your trustworthy image. Even lawsuit talk should be off-limits.

7. Finances:

The money you earn, the savings you have, and the balance in your bank account is private information only you should have access to. Even if you make an insane amount of money, you should never brag about it or share it with others. Perhaps you can trust your family with this information, but no one else should know how much you earn and what you choose to spend it on. The sad truth is, today’s world is filled with envy, selfishness, and atrocity. And as you never know who might turn out to be the Brutus waiting to take advantage of you, better keep your balance to yourself.

8. Negative opinions or personal feelings on your colleagues or superiors:

sharing your personal feelings or opinions with your co-workers may be consoling, solacing or sympathizing, but sometimes this could develop hidden enemies or invite conflicts if your words are carried by the person with whom you shared.

9. Work complaints:

Constant complaints about your workload, stress levels or the company will quickly make you the kind of person who never gets invited to lunch. If you don't agree with company policies and procedures, address it through official channels or move on.

10. Anything Confidential:

I think it goes without saying that if someone has shared something with you in confidence, it needs to remain that way. Likewise, details of a legal agreement, settlement, work contract, etc., which are not intended for others’ eyes should not be communicated to anyone else outside of the agreement. By sharing such details in confidence, we put others in the uncomfortable position of learning about something that they should not be privy to in the first place and there’s no going back after the words are uttered.



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