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10 Self promises to never break

Making a promise is no joke, its serious business. A promise can be seen as a vow, it carries heavy weight. Below are ten promises you should never break.

1. To spend more time with your family.

Often times this is a new year’s resolution or a promise that comes after a fight with your spouse or your children about working too much. You need to understand that this should be more than just words speaking but sincere and true.

You can make a positive step to keeping this promise by saying the simple but often times difficult word “no”. No to additional work, no to being the one always on call, no to being the one who always have to take that overseas business trip, “no”. Make a fresh commitment to making family first and rid yourself of some of the others.

2. To save more money.

As humans, we may sometimes feel the need to enjoy ourselves, and do the most epic things in life. To acquire the things in life most of us have to save towards some goal, others may have been born in a rich family which affords them the luxury of buying whatever they like.

Despite how small, saving something is always worthwhile because it will add up! Keep in mind that house, that vacation you’ve always wanted or that event that is more than worth the year round wait and use it to steer your focus and it will encourage you to keep your promise of saving more.

3. To make the most of every opportunity.

Yes, you’ve said this to your family or yourself so many times but its time you mean it! You will fail at times but never be discouraged, use that failure as a lesson that must be learnt to improve your next attempt when the opportunity comes again.

There must be a good reason why you made this promise, think about it! Never let a bad past disrupt a good future by ruining your mindset to make the most of every good opportunity you are afforded.

4. To create meaningful relationships.

Whether it be romantic, social or strictly business, making that relationship count is important. People come into our lives for a short while or sometimes for a long while or sometimes for a lifetime. Regardless of however long, it should matter to you because they came for a purpose.

It is through meaningful relationships that alliances are built and an old forgotten friend or associate may turn out to be our ‘life saver’ tomorrow. Remember your promise to keep meaningful relationships and keep it. You will be happy you did!

5. To Always make the healthier choice.

Life is filled with choices, that’s a fact and the ones you make may affect your life forever. It’s no doubt that most of us want to live a happier, healthier life.

Not every situation you are in is based on choice but when you are faced with this precious opportunity of making a choice, keep your promise to choose the healthier one.

6. To be a better person.

Maybe you’ve been described as being selfish, arrogant, lazy or worthless and because of this, you have made a promise to be a better person. It might be a result of your reflection of your life and things you have done or did not do. Whatever the reason, making a promise to be a better is always a good thing.

7. Never react on every situation & stop being emotional all the time.

You've probably been in a situation where someone reacted in a way that was too emotional, making you cringe or feel embarrassed for the person. You also might have been in a situation where your own emotions felt so strong that it took all your self-control not to go down that path yourself.

8. Never contact back those who always gave you only hard time.

Don't ask why some people keeps hurting you, ask why you keep on letting them. Never contact toxic and negative people.

9. Never trust only words.

Actions reveal what is really in a person’s heart and what they want to do. If their words don’t match their actions, the words they say are how they want to be perceived.

It is so important when building credibility in our relationships that our actions are consistent with what we say. Actions do speak louder than words. You can trust a person’s actions more than what they say.

10. Never fake promises or give false hopes to anyone.



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